02 February 2014


These boots are made for walking

There are a few things that I like most than having a stroll on a sunny day. Especially if it is after a long and rainy week. So right now I'm trying to remember where I have put my light booties and we are going for a walk. By we I mean Mr. Boyfriend and I plus two of our room-mates, so it's basically a Gang of Four (yes, a bit like the political slang) and a nice town. A friend  said that a new Tex-Mex food chain has opened a branch in town so we might give it a try. If it's any good I'll let you know, if it's not (and I honestly don't have high expectations when I hear someone mentioning "food chain") - well, I'll let you know where not to go.
Sunny day here we come!

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...