03 October 2014


Designing Your ... Research

After my Spring term filled with variables, levels of measurements, graphs and SPSS statistics is time for me to dive in it again, just one more time. Last year was Political Science research, this  year is Sociology. I know, it doesn't sound very exciting, but believe me, it is! Well maybe not very, but compared with other Courseworks, this is actually totally awesome!
The best part is that this year I'll be able to conduct my own small experiment, a quantitative research, a.k.a a survey. I have, what I think, a pretty decent idea in my head and I hope to be able to make it a final year project. It's not exactly my dream subject, but it's not as mundane as student project usually are, and I'm kind of passionate about the subject as well. To put things in perspective, my dream subject would've been about serial killers, mass murderers, sexuality, gender and religion, while my current subject is about eating habits, well-being and stress. I know, the reality is not nearly as exciting as the dream, but if everything turns out OK it might help me land the dream job-opportunity for next summer. So, yes, life is good and science is cool!

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...