01 June 2014


Bring Out The Child In You!

Happy Children's Day!

Do you celebrate it? Do you know that it exists? Well, you know what? It doesn't matter! Even if you don't celebrate it, please feel free to eat an ice-cream and put it on my tab! Just go outside and do something fun and exciting, something that you like to do! Do a headstand or maybe just roll on the grass. Make sure to have fun and enjoy the day, because it is unique and one of kind. Today! How lovely it sounds, right!
And while I eat my lovely home-made ice-cream, I'll go on and finish my "Explanatory Concepts in Political Science" revision. The ice-cream definitely makes the process a whole better. The recipe is to follow tomorrow.

And before I tell you good bye, but just for today, let me show you a adorable picture of my Great-Granny Einy and me. Oh, I used to be such a cute little munchkin, haha.


You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...