24 April 2014


For The Long Ride

Just a few weeks back I used to be some for whom cycling was about getting from Point A to Point B, nothing more. In just few sunny weekends Mr.Boyfriend managed to change that once and for all. This Monday afternoon we did a 37km ride in just above 2 hours. It's not much, but I'm getting there. Unlike last time, when we did mainly road, this time it was more cross-country and some more up hill than I would usually manage to do. I can't wait for this weekend to come so we can go on yet another adventure. I always feel so refreshed after those intensive exercises, like I'm taking control over my own fitness and my own health! Plus, my cheeks kind of liked to be exposed to the nice worm sun for a little while. Definitely a hobby to be continued...

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...