09 December 2014


Crazy Little Thing Called University

I submitted my essay on sexuality on Monday, after few days of hard and crazy pressure for time. So this means I have only an exam to sit and a project report to write before I can officially call it a term.
And mentioning that lovely exam tomorrow - who in his sane mind will decide that students will prefer to have a test in the end of term, when everything is due, instead in the exam period. You know, after you had some reasonable long time to prepare for this darn exam. Nevermind. The exam is on political philosophy, deep deep waters, I tell you! I'm preparing Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau and Marx - the holy trinity and his majesty, basically. And when I'm done with that - it will be only statistics left to be done.

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...