22 December 2014


Next Up

Until the end of 2014 has left a little bit over a week. Most people around me are now starting to look back at their year and to make plans and resolutions for the new year. I, on the other hand, am not yet ready for this. This year was so intense, on so many different levels, that I can't still wrap my mind around it. I'll probably try to avoid thinking about it until the 31st itself. I still don't have a goal for the next 365 days, but I know one thing- my new project won't be a post a day for a year. This is too exhausting on my brain and I cannot do it again straight after the first one. 
However, keep your eyes peeled because I plan to launch a new blog soon, where I'll share recipes,  travel tips and insides, restaurant experiences, and books and movies reviews. More or less, just the  most interesting part of Project 365. But more about that is coming real soon!

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...