26 December 2014


Christmas on 100 Ditchling Street

Mr.Boyfriend and I had the most amazing Christmas day yesterday! I honestly think this was one of my best, most memorable, gorgeous and awesome Christmas days that I had ever had. We spent the day with my bosses and their families, so all the grandparents, the kids (!!!), the dogs, everyone was there. My little loving munchies were there, so we had lots of fun together and Mr.Boyfriend finally met my favourite little boy and they played some with Transformers together, which was amazing to watch. You know, it touched a very special string in my heart to see my lovely loving partner make himself absolutely and completely available to a child, and try and accommodate every single possible need that this child might have.
We also ate amazing food, courtesy of my boss and his father in-law, both chef-patrons at respected restaurants and both very good at what they are doing. And then there were some amazing bottles of wine, that Mrs. Boss chose for our meal, because this is what she's good at. Yes, a great day, the best Christmas day I had had in a quite a while!

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...