Going To The Movies: The Bling Ring
Based on true events, the movie follows the story of 5 teenagers that are obsessed with the rich and famous of the day - Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Rachel Bilson among others. They obsession leads to them burglarizing their homes, stealing their property and trying to imitate them as much as they can. Things get a turn to the worse when some of their victims realise that they've been robbed...
Why It's Worth Your Time:
Sophia Coppola has a very distinct style that I really like. The movie has this very indie feel to it, albeit its topic. Also, the young actors are really making great roles. Emma Watson is amazing! She is not the main character but she shines as if she is. She portrays someone so different from the person everyone sees her as and she does it with such proficiency that it's just unbelievable. The movie also makes sure that you don't feel compassion towards the burglars, they are shown as the spoiled and obsessed with others little brats that they are. And that is nice, in a way.
Grade: 7/10
You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...