10 December 2014


The Last Exam of 2014

Today I sat my very last exam for the 2014. Plus, I have only one thing left to submit tomorrow and with a little bit of power of the spirit - I'll be actually able to make it on time! If that's not a reason to feel good about the end of the year, than I don;t know what it is!
About today's exam - I believe it didn't go bad. I don't have an extremely strong positive feeling, but I prefer not to have it when it comes to exams. Especially exams in political theory. I chose to compare the role of the sovereign in the writings of Hobbes and Rousseau - two completely opposing thinkers, so I guess this is as good as comparative politics can go. And for my second essay, I chose to write about Marx. As you could imagine I'll do after devoting so much of my university life to him. So, all in all I think it was a fairly decent exam and hopefully the results will be the cherry of my Christmas celebrations this year.
So, back to SPSS now!

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...