10 August 2014


The Taste Testing: Oat Milk

So, as it turns out, there was one last type of non-dairy milk sold in England that I haven't yet tried- oat milk. At this point I'm almost tired of trying all kinds of milks and the only one that I can say that I'll keep in buying on regular basis is coconut milk. Because is so darn delicious!
However, oat milk is the best alternative if you like eating oatmeal and porridge. Because it's made from oats it goes perfectly with oats, completing the taste to the absolute maximum. It's a rather light milk and it doesn't have the nutty taste of hazelnut and almond milks but neither has the creaminess and lightness of the coconut and rice ones.
I must admit that also tried a chocolate version that tasted amazingly indulgent and I think that if I keep on drinking oat milk it will be the chocolate one.

I tried: Alpro Oat Drink, 1 gbp per 1l
I tried: Chocolate Oat Drink, 1,35 gbp per 1l

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