29 August 2014


The Girl, The Boy And The Wardrobe

Mr.Boyfriend is coming back home tomorrow evening and I'm thrilled with happiness. I hate it when he's not around, I can't sleep when he's not home. And I'm worried sick most of the time, because am this paranoid about the people I love. But he'll be back with me tomorrow, so this is all that maters.
Today is going to be dedicated to organising my wardrobe, finding place for all of my dear clothes and most of all, marking down the ones that are soon to look for a new home. For the last few months I've been trying to sell most of the things I don't use anymore. Or the ones that I have never used. You get the idea. I'm getting rid of plenty of staff. And while this feels very nice and refreshing, plus the bonus of having a tad more space in my closet, therefore I'm actually being able to see what's on my hangers, I get to earn a penny here and there. I would say that this is not that bad of a hobby at all!

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...