27 August 2014


My Favourite Thing

I have a new favourite breakfast and I'm totally obsessed by it. This beats by far my previous obsession - avocado and tomato toast. Yes, it's not as vegan friendly as my toast obsession, but it's so delicious and fulfilling and amazing, that I've been eating this e-v-e-r-y  breakfast for now over a week. I mean, without exception. What is this super magical breakfast of mine? It's ENERGY BOOSTING OATS!
OK, I know some of you might be disappointed but bear with me. It's better than it sounds. And it's quick,  simple, easy, tasty and good for you. So, there we go.
The base is simple and healthy. Yogurt and oats. The starting proportions is the following:  for every 3 tbsp  plain yogurt add 2 tbsp oats. Next up are the good stuff, the toppings. Each of my favouite toppings brings something special to the breakfast. 1 tbsp chia seeds for energy boost. 2 tbsp raw cashews for proteins. 2 tbsp raw almonds for good fats. 2 tbsp berries (in my case usually blueberries or blackberries) for antioxidants and vitamin C. 1/2 banana, chopped, for natural unrefined sweetness.
And this is it. All these goodies in combination make a super powerful, yet delicious breakfast that keeps me satisfied well into the day. I also love that I can always switch up to any other fruit in order to make it more interesting. Apples, peaches, strawberries, pineapples, mangoes, coconut. You name it. It can easily supplement the banana and make it a whole lot different. Isn't that just great?!

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...