The series follows the coursework of FBI agent Olivia Dunham and the Bishops - Walter, the father, the typical mad scientist gone clinically crazy, and Peter, his street-smart estranged son. They work in the field of inexplicable events, those result of the Fringe science. As the show goes on it reveals that Dr. Bishop is responsible, at least partly, for the bigger part of what make their case Fringe cases. Their work often leads them to the advanced biotechnological company - "Massive Dynamic", an enterprise created by Walter's old friend William Bell (they also used to share lab, so most of the Massive Dynamics technologies are the children of their brainstorming and shared experiments). There are also the Observers - human-like creatures that observe the humankind but are not supposed to intervene. They hold great knowledge but are not willing to share it with the humans.
Why I Like it?
It won't be too much if I say that this is the most intriguing, intense, complete and well-made show I have ever watched. It has every single component that a great story needs - there are just enough surprises and turns in the story to keep you on your toes, there are amazing and complex characters and you get to see how their relationship evolve and transform, it's fun but not in the cheap way, and is really really well made. It is science fiction in its best possible form. Oh, and did I mention that it's J. J. Abrams?
I challenge you to brake the code! Because there is a hidden code!
You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...