19 February 2014


The Prices We Pay for The Things We Want The Most

Don't freak out. The price I pay is not an arm and a leg and things I want are not dodgy. I pay with my time for independence. I don't want to be dependent on my parents for all of the little things I want, need, crave. They are not suppose to finance my future Summer vacation in Finland, you know. There money are theirs to spend on their own vacations, trips, weekend getaways. Mine - for my extravaganzas.
I'm saying all that because this really nice opportunity to go to Finland and I really want to go. I've been all around Europe but I have never been in the Nordic part of it and I'm dying to go. The problem is that Finland is one of the most expensive places in Europe. Yes, if we buy the tickets now they will cost 80GBP the round trip (per person), and yes, we will stay at our friends, who invited us over, but we will have expenses there. To begin with, we will have to eat something and knowing the appetite Mr. Boyfriend has - oh boy, we will eat a lot. So now I'm just trying to evaluate critically the pro's and con's of the situation and to decide what to do. If the options are between going home to my family and going to Finland - it's obvious what I'll prefer. I guess now it all depends on me finding stable job or not.

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...