20 February 2014


Day Off

When you dedicate yourself to going to all of your classes at school, being prepared and not missing anything - you start to value your day off even more. Now, add to what I just said working part-time in some evenings and at least part of the weekend. I really, really like my day off - I get to sleep a bit longer, I watch an episode or two of a show, definitely do yoga for at least 20 minutes. I usually do a bit of work, but try not to go too hard on myself - this day is dedicated to me and to whatever I fancy doing.
Imagine my (unpleasant) surprise when this morning I got awaken at 09:05 by Mr. Boyfriend. You see, he had the great idea of going shopping early, before he goes to work. So at 09:30 we were in the car on our way to the grocery shop, me - half-awaken and grumpy because someone is intervening so violently in my favourite day, he - fully awaken and not having any idea what's all the fuzz about. Well. That didn't go according plan, you may imagine. We actually spending 45 minutes in the shop, trying to find our way around grannies who don't care where they're going and who's path they are cutting because "Oh, you're young, you'll get over it. I'm old." and children running around because this is what children do. It was nightmare. There wasn't need for me to try and pleading that early shopping should not become our new routine - the grannies and the toddlers did all the work for me.
Other than that my day off went according to the non-existent plan. With the slight change that while doing yoga I slipped and ended up on my arm - not a pleasant experience. Rather painful one I would say, and that obviously led to an early stop to my routine. Next time I might want to move my royal ass to downstairs where the floor is not so slippery.  I probably should do that.

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...