21 Things About Me
21 Days Before I Turn 21
Yep, this is happening. I'm sharing 21 things about me, out loud, 21 days before I turn 21.They are just little bits and bobs, things that I haven't probably mentioned before. Oh, well. Shall we start?
- I'm really bad at choosing favourite things. Like really really bad. I don't have favourite anything, not a movie, not a colour, nothing.
- I love thunderstorms and find them exiting to watch.
- I used to write poetry all the time and not at all now.
- The only things I like about Christmas are the Christmas lights and the Christmas trees. Not a big fan of Christmas and no Christmas spirit at all.
- Not a big fan of potato chips but a massive lover of tortilla chips. Mmm, spicy tortilla chips with guacamole. Yum!
- I used wear only monochromatic clothes. Now I try to pop a little bit of colour here and there, just because I'm too young not to.
- Used to smoke.
- I hate courgettes, one of the very few veggies that I really prefer not to eat.
- I have crazy food craving all the time. The newest one is pickled artichokes.
- Mr.Boyfriend and I are constantly influencing each other in more ways that we'll be willing to admit. However, secretly we are very happy that we share more and more things in common. It's so much fun when your partner shares your crazy food obsession or you love going for cycling adventures together.
- I have 3 small tattoos and I want more! Many more!
- My sense of style and fashion is far closer to my Dad's than to Mum's. Which is good, because Mum likes rather extravagant things.
- My lucky number is 13.
- As a child I never aspired to be a model or singer or actress. I wanted to be pilot, car mechanic, witch or writer during my childhood.
- I'd love to open a small restaurant one day and work there as the chef.
- I want to go around the world on a motorcycle but I'll have to pass the driving exams first. In Bulgaria the minimal age for obtaining the licence for the kind of bike I like is 24 years so I'll have to wait a bit to fulfill this dream.
- I want to live on a boat for a summer but not much longer.
- I'm very much the family type and I adore kids. However, I'm not sure if I'll ever be brave/stupid enough to have mine. Oh, and I want to get married eventually. Preferably before the kids come to the picture.
- I love having photographs on the walls because it makes me feel surrounded with love and happiness.
- I can't stay mad forever but in the first half an hour when I'm angry - I'm furious, I'm beside myself, too reckless for my own good. Then my anger sets down and I'm more than willing to make compromises to achieve piece and quite.
- I love listing staff and answering questions. In a game of "Truth or Dare" I will always choose "Truth!"
And this is it. 21 things for me. Not that you have asked me.
You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...