The Christmas Countdown
There's exactly one month left until Christmas. I still have not where we have put the Christmas tree last winter. I'm not buying any new toys for the three as well. I gave up on convincing Mr.Boyfriend to buy fairy lights - he thinks they are fire hazardous. No ugly Christmas sweaters are being bought. No Christmas pudding is being started. Oh, and no idea what presents I'm buying for the kids. Like no-freaking-idea whatsoever! I have to figure out what a teenager girl will find cool, what a little boy will find awesome and what a toddler girl will be happy about. I don't know which one is the hardest one. All I know is that I have to buy them the advent calendars the next time we go grocery shopping. Boo-hoo. Stana has no Christmas spirit.
But Mr.Boyfriend's Christmas gifts are almost settled. I have to buy just a thing or two more, so that his present is truly magnificent. So this is settled. And I had the most brilliant idea what I'm going to get my Mum on behalf of Dad and me. And she's going to love it, I just know it. And I can just hope that Mr.Boyfriend finds a little elf (or a blog) that whispers him that there certain things that I want more than others. Like waaay more.
On the bright side, since we have been adopted for Christmas day, we get to spend the time with people I love and admire, in a family environment. It doesn't get much better than that when you're living abroad, miles away from your own family. And I might even get lucky and get to try nice, home-made minced pies this year. Who knows...
You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...