Ride, Ride, Ride Your Bike
What a day was yesterday! Thanks to Mr.Boyfriends careful guidance I did my first 50km on a bike. And I felt so energetic and full of life. I think I now understand his love for cycling, it's simply amazing! Now I can't wait for the weekend to come and for the weather to be good so we can go on a new adventure somewhere in the countryside. I might not be thrilled by the urban area surrounding Brighton and the South-East as a such, but I must admit - typical English villages touch a soft spot in my heart.
So, about the route. We did a fairly hard route (at least not easy for my fitness) starting in Stanmer Park's trace up to Ditchling road, followed by going down to Ditchling Beacon, the highest point nearby, and to the village of Ditchling itslef, then to Hassocks, then across to Devil's Dyke, with a short break at The Shepard and Dog pub in Fulking before continuing back to Brighton, while following the A23 road. The route included few more uphill sections, some up to 10% inclination of the road, then the previous time and my tights felt it especially strong. And my back as well, since today I'm bed bound with severe lower back pains. Well, I guess you need some time off after cycling 50km, eh?
You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...