You're Not Stupid, You're just Dyslexic
One of the things I fear the most is having to write a piece of text without spell-checker. Ever since I was a little girl spelling has been a big problem for me. I had never had problems with the ideological, creational part of the work behind writing a story, an essay, a review or anything else but when it came to writing down the words correctly - this was the hard bit for me. There were some occasions were I was unable to see that I wrote down my own name incorrectly. And everyone would laugh at me. Or would ask ironical questions such as - Are you blind? Can't you see what you wrote?
Dyslexia is not wildly popular where I'm coming from. There are no standardised test for proving that you are dyslexic and it is not acknowledged as a disability. You're just stupid because you're now 15 and you haven't learned how to spell. You'll be marked down and the teacher will write with big red letters under your work - IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO LEARN HOW TO SPELL!!!
Great, thank you for letting me know. I haven't realised that just yet. Thank you, Capt. Obvious!
Today was my initial examination in order to be determined if I'm dyslexic or not. Based on the fact that they made me an appointment with a Educational Psychologist for next week I guess they decided that at least at first sight I seem like I am. We'll see what the psychologist has to say about that. I hope that everything goes smoothly. If it doesn't and he determines that in fact I am NOT a dyslectic person than my teacher would be probably right. I'll be just stupid.