20 January 2014


Going Back to School

So, University started again. My mood is somewhere in between "Hooray! Why took it so long!" and "Oh-NO! I don't want to go!" To be honest, I really enjoy what I'm studying and find it very pleasurable to actually go to lectures and seminars. In the same time, now I feel more tired than I felt before the holidays which is a surprise, I guess.
I'm doing all new subjects this semester and this is really exciting. As I said already - I really enjoy my course so far. Sometimes the readings are a bit difficult for me, maybe because I'm a foreigner and English is not my mother tongue or because I'm easily distracted. Or maybe, just maybe, some of them are difficult. Like Marx for example - all his writing are really difficult to read since his style is complicated and ... tangled. He just jumps from topic to topic right in the middle of the sentence. Never-mind, it's still very interesting and fulfilling at the end of the day.
I honestly think that I just found the right subject for me, which, by the way, feels unbelievably good!

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...