The Dracula Blood Elixir Vitamin Juice
My hematologist is the one to take credit for the rather spooky name of this juice, and, even more, he was the one to give me the idea for the combination of 5 superfoods into one energizing and stimulating blood production yumminess. It's a rule back at home that come September-October my granny and I, the two anemic kittens of the family, will start having it at least 3 times a week, as a mean of immunostimulation and just-in-case protection from the big bad world. When I was younger I use to hate it, but now I find it rather nice and I even volunteer to have more of it, because it's so refreshing and I can actually feel it giving me more energy during the cold months. Winter is cold back home, you guys! Not Finland and Russia cold, but good -15 degrees for good few weeks and then regular -5/-10 for the rest of the time. Nothing like the rainy mild winter that England has been offering me in the past few years.
Now, what's in this juice? Apples which are rich in B-complex vitamins (riboflavin, thiamin, and vitamin B-6) - these vitamins are key in maintaing red blood cells! Oranges, known for containing almost over twice the daily need for vitamin C, they also contain thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, pantothenic acid, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, selenium and copper, whicj means they are excellent for boosting the immune system. Beetroot, a rich source of folate and manganese. It also contains iron, zinc, copper and selenium as well as folate. Its praised to help the creation of new white blood cells and their rapid growth. Carrots that are so rich in vitamin A that they are providing around 210% of the average an adult will need for the day. They are also rich in the antioxidant beta-carotene which stimulates cells growth, while the vitamin E and zinc contained carrots help maintain cell structure and protects the cells membranes. And last but not least, Chia Seeds - the natural power source for the human body, extremely rich in antioxidants, fibers and proteins.
With that all said, what's not to like about this juice, it's a nutrition bond in a glass! It tastes fresh, a bit sweet, a bit tangy, very refreshing and energising. And it's bright red, red and thick as blood! It's the perfect drink for a young Dracula fan!
Ingredients (makes 2 glasses)
- 3 medium oranges, cut in halves
- 4 medium-small apples, the core removed, cut in quaters
- 4 large carrots, tops and bottoms removed
- 1 large beetroot, well washed, greens removed
- 1 tsp/per glass chia seeds
- Put the carrots, apples and beetroot through the juicer.
- Using a citrus press juice the oranges.
- Mix the orange juice and the apple-carrot-beetroot juice together. Stir well.
- Stir in the chia seeds and pour in glasses.
- Drink as soon as possible, while is fresh!
NB: The beetroot has the nasty habit of leaving dark red stains. A) Wear an apron when juicing!; B) Clean the juicer as soon as possible after use!
Thick as blood, and red as such! |
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