Happy Birthday, Grandpa!My King And My Hero
When I was a child I asked my grandpa if he's a king. He said he's not but he knows a tiny queen whose his greatest pride and joy. And ever since this day he's been calling be his tiny queen, among other pet names as bunny-girl and sunshine.
My grandpa is a big, strong man, my hero whenever I need protection, my shoulder to cry whenever my hearth is heavy with grief. He'll came to pick me up from school and on our way back home we'll stop to buy ice-cream and will eat it in the park next home. And now, that he can't came and pick me up from school, he'll come to pick me up from the train station whenever I go back home, in Bulgaria.
He thought me how to drive when I was 13 because he said it's about time for me to know. Then, in the summers, when we'll move to the summer house in the rural area, he'll let me drive to the nearby village to pick-up the grocery shopping and anything else need. And when I got my driving license few years back, and then when my grandma's health wasn't pristine, he'll let me drive her to the hospital because he knew that she'll feel most secure and protected with none but me by her side.
He'll put the swing under the cherry tree in our summer house every year, to wait for me, no matter if I will go there for just one week or for 3 months. He has been doing that since I was old enough to sit up on my own, and he'll be doing it probably to the day when he's bones hurt too much for him to go up the ladder to hand the swing on one of the big strong branches of the tree.
He has been writing me poems for every birthday, not missing a single one, and those poems will be the most beautiful thing you can think of. He'll try to write in rhymes the important events of my life in the past year, my achievements and even the lessons I have learned from my failures. It will be year in my life, written as a poem, the most special one in the world.
He, my dearest, beloved, amazing grandfather, he an old school gentleman who'll buy flowers for the women in his life (grandma, their two daughters /mama and aunty/ and me) without a reason. He'll know the exact chocolate that my granny likes and he'll go across town to buy her some, because this is who he is. When I'm feeling down he'll make me a glass of fresh orange or apple juice and will let me drown my worries away in endless glasses of freshly made juice. And if the case is especially bad, then he'll roll up the sleeves of his shirt and will make me home-made Belgian waffles, with some home-made cherry or apricot jam. Because who can be sad when they have waffles and cherry jam, you tell me!
He and granny brought me so much joy and happiness when they visited me this summer. And they are bringing me so much more now, when I listen to them make plans for the next time when they'll come around, all the things they wish to do and the places they are looking forward to see. And I couldn't be more grateful for the love and respect they have for my partner, accepting him fully as part of the family and as a worthy companion for me.
Happy 77th Birthday Grandpa! I admire you, I respect you, I miss you and I truly madly deeply love you! There is no better and more worthy of love man in the world. You truly deserve all the joy and happiness in the world and even more for what you bring in the lives of people around you!
Yours Joyfully and Cheerfully, Little Stana |
You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...