24 September 2014



My relationship with the word "feminist" has always been somewhat complicated, not always a good one, always a problematic. The problem might as well be that I hate labeling myself. If I do it, most of the time I might as well be just ironic and sarcastic.
In the beginning of my puberty I was more than happy to call myself a feminist and to wave this flag as high as my 13-year-old self could do. However, as the time passed by, what the world presented me as examples of feminism was nothing else but reverse gender inequality and men-hate. If this was feminism, than I definitely wasn't part of that. All I want is no one to make a special case out of the fact that I'm born with one set of genitalia instead of another. I don't want to be offered help with my heavy bags nor to be OK to yell at my colleagues because of PMS. I want equal pay, I want equal respect and I want people around me not to suffer because it's not socially acceptable for them to do something they want/need/have to do. Like cry, because they are sad. Or take a day off, because their head hurts a lot. Or get paid a rightful, decent amount of money based on the work they do. That's what I want for myself. That's what I want for the people I love. And for those I don't. And for those I don't even know.
So in that sense, I feel myself aligned with, allow me to introduce the term, the 4th wave feminism.The one of #HeForShe. Emma's and Angelina's and Hilary's. The one of the strong human beings, not matter their genitalia.

Thank you!

You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...