Rest Implementation
So, I passed out yesterday at work. As it turns out, working every day, cycling at least 10 km a day, forgetting to eat and staying up on my feet for few hours in a very staffed and heated room, it's not exactly a great idea. In all fairness, it's a terrible idea.
I will spare the details, because there is nothing of interest, but I'll just say that my bosses, for whom I have been babysitting for now almost 2 years, was every bit extremely caring, kind and attentive. And also, the wedding guests didn't suspect a thing, because I managed to hide in the back room before I slipped on a chair/ground.
So, today I'm spending the day laying around, trying to get rid of my fever and terrible headache. I think my body is trying to tell me to slow the f*ck down before I begin to collapse wherever I am. Tomorrow is my first entirely free day for 2 weeks now, because today I was on "Stan By" mode for the bar until noon. As it turned out, they didn't need me, so I stayed in the hammock in the garden, but the anticipation was more than enough to bring me down on my knees. Bye!
You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...