English Classics: Pretty Amazing Shepherd's Pie
Again, a recipe inspired by my grandparents. It's really cool when you have family home who would love to finish in one go anything you cook. Not that Mr.Boyfriend ever says a bad word about what I cook for us or that refuses to eat something, it's just the joy of finishing the dish in one go. I'm not sure what I'm going to do from next morning onward, when my grandparents leave and the house gets all quite again. But I don't want to think about them leaving just yet. I have few more hours to spend in their company and better stop moaning and tell you all about this amazing recipe so that I can go back to them.
I love me some good Shepherd's pie. Plenty of minced meat, plenty of veggies and nice homemade mashed potatoes. Mmm, I start salivating just by talking about it. The recipe is nothing complicated and doesn't require any special techniques or bizarre ingredients. It's more or less just the normal staff that you always have in your kitchen. And this is what makes it so amazing. Plus the great taste of food prepared at home with love and care.
- 500 g minced meat (lamb, pork, mix, whatever)
- 2 cups of mixed veggies (beans, peas, carrots, broccoli, sweet corn, peppers, tomatoes, whatever you prefer)
- 1 can tomatoes
- 1 onion, chopped to small squares
- 10 medium mushrooms, sliced
- 2-3 cloves garlic, sliced finely
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- 4-5 big potatoes, peeled
- small scoop of butter
- 25 ml milk
- salt and pepper
- Preheat the oven to 200C.
- In a deep pan heat the olive oil.
- While the oil is heating, place the potatoes in a pot and boil until thoughtfully cooked.
- When the olive oil is piping hot add the onion and garlic and fry until light and transparent.
- When the onion is cooked add the minced meat and cook until its brown.
- Add the Worcestershire sauce and stir well.
- Add the mushrooms and cook until they loose most of their water.
- Now add the veggies, stir well, and add the tomato can.
- Season with salt and pepper and cook until all the vegetables are cooked well.
- By this time the potatoes should be well boiled.
- Stain the water and mash the potatoes together with the butter and the milk, seasoning with salt and pepper.
- When the meat and veggie mixture is cooked let cool for 5-ish minutes.
- Take a deep oven dish and transfer all of the meat and veggie mix in it, spreading it evenly over the whole surface.
- Now do the same with the mashed potatoes, spreading them on top of the meat and veggie mix.
- Put in the oven and bake for 15-30 minutes, until the mash starts getting slightly brown around the edges.
- And there you go, a great comfort dish, perfect pair for a nice glass of red wine or an ice-cold beer.
Tasty, tasty! |
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