Spring That Looks A Lot Like Autumn
Today is supposed to be the first day of Spring. Well, according to the English weather - not really. The morning looked rather bright and sunny, just like it's supposed to be. And then, around noon, the weather just went bad, all of the sudden. I hate when this happens. Now it looks so dark and gloomy, I can't stand it. When I look out of the window it reminds me of late October rather than late March. And on top of that - I have to cycle to work in this weather.
Well, the good new is that Mr. Boyfriend's parrents are coming over to visit us in late May. I'm not as excited as I am for the coming of my grandparents, but I'm still very much excited about it. It's family and family is always good!
You can't get lost if you don't know where you're going...